GSNA bylaws & constitution

Section 1.
The name of this organization is the “Garden State Numismatic Association”, being incorporated under the Non-Profit Corporation laws of the State of New Jersey, and hereafter referred to as G.S.N.A.
Section 2.
That the objects of the said corporation shall be in the State of New Jersey, to advance the knowledge of numismatics along educational, historical and scientific lines in all its various branches; to assist in bringing about better cooperation between all clubs and persons interested in the coinage, circulation, classification, collection, sales, exhibition, use and preservation of all coins, bills, and medals; to acquire and disseminate trustworthy information bearing upon these topics; to promote greater popular interest in the science of numismatology, to acquire, own, hold and dispose of such personal property and own real estate for its own use, as may be necessary to properly carry into effect the purposes herein set forth, and to perform all such other acts and things as may be necessary to the full carrying into effect the said purposes, but such purposes do not include operations for pecuniary profit.
Section 3.
The Association through its representatives shall have power to establish and maintain such offices throughout New Jersey as the business of the association may require.
Section 4.
The government of G.S.N.A. shall be vested in an Executive Council composed of the President, the 1st Vice-President, and 2nd Vice-President, the immediate Past President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. All Council members enjoy voting privileges.
Section 5.
That said Association shall further have power to have and use a common seal and to alter and change the same at its pleasure.
Section 1.
The membership of this association shall consist of Regular Members, Club Members, Junior Members, Life Members and Honorary Members. Memberships are not transferable from one person to another.
Section 2.
All members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Association, including the right to vote, hold office, (subject to any limitations set forth in Article V hereof) and receive the official publications of the Association, except that:
Members under 18 years of age may not hold office. A member under 18 years of age may not borrow books from the Association Library unless his parent or guardian shall guarantee the return thereof in their condition at the time of such borrowing. Members under 18 years of age may not vote.
Honorary Members shall not be eligible to hold office unless they were Regular Members or Life Members of the Association at the time Honorary Membership was conferred upon them.
Club Memberships may not hold office.
Section 3.
Regular Members shall be those individuals now Regular Members in good standing and those hereafter admitted as Regular Members in the manner hereinafter set forth.
Any individual of good moral character, 18 years of ago or over, shall be eligible for Regular Membership, provided his application is sponsored by a member of the Association in good standing.
Every full-time employee of the Association, 18 years of age or over, (other than any appointed officer referred to in Article IV, Section 3 (g) hereof) may be a Regular Member of the Association for the duration of his employment without payment of dues.
Section 4.
Any nonprofit numismatic club, society, association or corporation and any museum, archives, public library or school shall be eligible for Club Membership provided the applicant is approved by the Executive Council. Any application made under this subsection shall be accompanied by a copy of the constitution and bylaws of said applicant unless this requirement is specifically waived by the Executive Council. Any such organization, now a Regular Member in good standing, shall be deemed to be a Club Member.
Section 5.
Junior Members shall be those individuals now Junior Members in good standing and those persons hereafter admitted as such in the manner hereinafter set forth:
Any individual of good moral character, 9 years of age or over but less than 18 years of age, shall be eligible for Junior Membership, provided such individualís application be approved in writing by two persons, at least one of whom is a parent or guardian of the applicant and at least one of whom is a Member in good standing.
During the minority of a Junior Member, his membership number shall be preceded by the letter ìJ.î Upon reaching his majority, the said Junior Member shall automatically become a Regular Member and entitled to all the privileges thereof.
Section 6.
Life Members shall be those individuals, 18 years of age or over, numismatic clubs and kindred associations, now Life Members and those individuals and clubs hereafter admitted as such in the manner hereinafter set forth:
Any individual or numismatic club shall be eligible for Life Membership after serving a three (3) year tenure, provided the application therefore be approved by the Executive Council. Such Life Membership may be bestowed by the Executive Council by its own action upon a Member who has rendered the Association some special service.
Section 7.
Honorary Membership may be conferred only by the Executive Council upon any person who has rendered the Association or the science of numismatics some particular or noteworthy service or who is considered deserving of the special and distinctive title of Honorary Member.
Section 1.
Applications to become Regular Members, Club Members, Junior Members or Life Members shall be made in writing on forms prescribed by the Executive Council. Such application shall furnish the name, address and occupation of the applicant, and if the individual, the age of the last birthday, as well as the date and kind of membership applied for.
Section 2.
Such application, with the endorsement of the requisite sponsor, as set forth in Article I, and the advance dues shall be sent to the Treasurer; who shall assign the appropriate membership number and forward application and information to both Secretaries. Life member applications shall be forwarded to the Corresponding Secretary for processing.
Section 3.
If written and timely objection to such admission be received by the Executive Council, they shall thereupon advise the applicant of the nature of the objections and request an answer thereto. When this has been received, the Secretary shall forward all the available information to the Executive Council for consideration and action; the Executive council may either accept or reject such application and in either event notify the Secretary of its decision.
When the Executive Council accepts the said application, the applicant shall be admitted and notice thereof caused to be published in the official journal.
In case the application be rejected, the advanced payment for dues shall be returned to the applicant.
Section 4.
The dues of Regular Members, Club Members, Junior Members and Life Members shall be in an amount or amounts to be determined by the Executive Council.
Section 1.
No Member shall be permitted to resign from the Association while he is indebted to it in any manner or while charges are pending against him.
Section 2.
Annual dues shall be payable to the Treasurer in advance of June 1st of each year. Any member who fails to pay his dues before August 1st in any year shall be liable to suspension, in which case his name shall be dropped from the membership rolls and removed from the mailing list. Any member suspended for nonpayment of dues or who has resigned, may be reinstated upon payment of arrearages due at the time of suspension or resignation, as well as all subsequent dues to date, provided no charges are pending against him, and in any such case, only if the charges are withdrawn or dismissed. If aforesaid payments are not made, then the individual must apply as a new member and receive a new membership number if admitted.
Section 3.
Any member violating the bylaws of the Association, committing any unethical act in his dealings with others, unjustly defaming the character of any other member, interfering with the activities of the Association, committing a criminal offense, engaging in conduct unbecoming to a member or engaging in conduct prejudicial to the welfare of the Association shall be subject to expulsion or other disciplinary action as hereinafter provided:
The selling and/or trading by any member on three or more occasions of counterfeit or altered numismatic items, irrespective of his lack of knowledge as the authenticity thereof, may be deemed to constitute conduct unbecoming to a member and prejudicial to the welfare of the Association.
The selling and/or trading by any member on one or more occasions of counterfeit or altered numismatic items with the knowledge as to the lack of authenticity thereof, shall be deemed to constitute conduct unbecoming to a member and prejudicial to the welfare of the Association.
The selling and/or trading of reproductions generally accepted and collected by numismatists and not in any way misrepresented as genuine shall not be deemed to constitute conduct unbecoming to a member or prejudicial to the welfare of the Association.
The advertising or offering for sale or trade of any coin which has been whizzed, and which is represented to be of a higher or of a more nearly perfect condition than was the coin prior to being whizzed, shall be deemed to constitute conduct unbecoming to a member and prejudicial to the welfare of the Association. A whizzed coin is one from which metal has been removed by one or more means, such as engraving, acid treatment, buffing, burnishing, sandblasting, vapor honing or whisking with a brush or brass or other metal.
Proceedings for expulsion or other disciplinary action shall be initiated by written charges signed by the person making them. Such charges, with particulars thereof shall be filed with the Executive Council, who shall thereupon mail a written copy of summary thereof in an envelope with postage prepaid directed to the accused member at his last address furnished by him to the Secretary. The accused member shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to enter a written defense to such charges. The matter shall then be referred to the Executive Council, which shall determine the case under such rules and regulations as it may adopt. The Executive Council may dismiss such charges, or it may censure, suspend or expel the accused member. It may cause the result of its action to be published in the official journal. Until the final decision of the Executive Council, the accused member shall continue in good standing.
Section 4.
Whenever the Executive Council is informed, (through sources deemed by the Council to be reliable) that a member has been indicted or otherwise prosecuted for the alleged commission of a criminal offense, the Executive Council may suspend such a member pending the final determination of such proceedings. In the event that the Executive Council (through sources deemed by the Council to be reliable) is informed that a member has pleaded guilty to the commission of a criminal offense or has been judicially convicted of committing a criminal offense, the Council may expel a member unless an appeal is pending from the conviction upon which the expulsion was based and the Council has been informed thereof. A member may be suspended or expelled pursuant to this Section 4 whether or not written charges are brought against him and without compliance with the requirements of Section 3 preceding. The Council may cause the result of its action hereunder to be published in the official journal.
Section 5.
The Council may reinstate the membership of any person or entity who has been expelled from the Association.
Section 1.
The elected officers of the Association shall be the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2.
The President shall have general supervision over all the affairs of the Association. His duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
To preside at all meetings of the Association.
To call meetings of the Executive Council and preside thereat.
To appoint all county representatives and all committee chairmen that may be necessary, and to remove them at will.
To countersign all proper warrants drawn by the Treasurer. He may delegate the Vice-President to perform all or a designated portion of this function.
To make a call for nominations of officers to appear in the third quarter issue of the official journal, in the years in which elections are to be held.
Section 3.
The duties of the 1st Vice-President shall be:
To assist the President, upon his request, in the discharge of his duties.
To act in the place of the President, in case of his absence or disability.
To succeed to the position of President, in the case of his death or resignation.
Section 4.
The duties of the 2nd Vice-President shall be:
To assist the 1st Vice-President, upon his request, in the discharge of his duties.
To act in the place of the 1st Vice-President, in case of his absence of disability.
To succeed to the position of 1st Vice-President, in the case of his death or resignation.
Section 5.
The duties of the Secretary shall be:
To keep a true record of the transactions of the Association and preserve all documents pertaining to his office.
To act as Secretary of the Executive Council, keep a true record of its proceedings.
To keep in safe custody the seal and the dies of the Association; to arrange for the preparation of such dies as may be authorized and the striking and disposition of medals, bar and membership buttons as authorized.
To perform such duties in connection with the nomination and election of officers as may be required by these By-Laws.
Section 6.
The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
To receive all money of the Association collected from any source.
To pay out money only on warrants drawn and signed by any two authorized officers.
To invest and reinvest the funds of the Association in accordance with instructions of the Executive Council.
To prepare an accounting of all funds received and a full and final report of all matters pertaining to his office at the end of the fiscal year and render the same to the Association through its President.
To receive and forward all membership applications to the Secretary or Corresponding Secretary for further processing.
Section 7.
The duties of the Corresponding Secretary shall be:
To handle all correspondence relating to Association matters.
To assist the Secretary in any way the President may deem necessary.
To receive and process all applications for life membership.
To receive properly prepared applications for membership from the Treasurer (or the Secretary), to publish notice of such application in the official journal; forward objections to applications to the President, publish information on new members admitted, transfers in memberships and known deaths to the Editor. Also, forward any change of address to the Editor and keeper of the mailing list.
Section 8.
The Executive Council shall have the power to act on the affairs and business of the Association, including but not being limited to:
Decide on the time and place for holding conventions.
Prescribe the form of membership applications and official ballots.
Rule on the admission of applicants against whom objections are raised.
Rule on disposition of formal charges brought against a member.
Fix subscription rates of the official journal and charges for other official publications.
Fix advertising rates for space in the official journal and rules and regulations in connection therewith.
Appoint an Editor; Assistant Editor; Assistants to the Editor; Advertising Manager; Assistant to the Advertising Manager; Director to Publicity; Librarian; Assistant to the Librarian; Legal Council; Museum Director; Curator; Assistant Curator; Historian; Sergeant of Arms and Assistants to the Sergeant of Arms.
Fix the compensation of all paid officers of the Association.
Prescribe which elected and appointed officers should be bonded and fix the amounts thereof.
Fix the dues of Regular Members, Club Members, Junior Members and Life Members.
Remove from office any elected or appointed officer who does not or cannot meet the requirements of his office.
Prescribe the time and manner of publication and distribution of a directory of members.
A quorum for the transaction of business at meetings of the Executive Council shall consist of four (4) out of seven (7) members.
The President shall have the same right to vote as any other member of the Executive Council.
A majority vote of the Executive Council and the County Representatives shall be required in order to amend the By-Laws of the Association.
Voting by mail is permitted, but affirmative mail vote of all members of the Executive Council and County Representatives shall be required for By-Law amendments.
Meeting of the Executive Council shall be conducted according to Robertís Rules of Order except as otherwise herein provided.
In addition to meeting at the Annual Convention of the Association, the Executive Council may hold additional meetings at times and places to be determined by a majority vote of said council (or by an affirmative vote of not less than four (4) members of the said council in the event of a mail vote) which vote may be initiated by the President or by any member of the Executive Council.
To appoint persons to fill any vacancies not covered by these By-Laws.
Section 9.
Terms of office for all Association officers are for two (2) year periods.
Section 1.
No Council member will be eligible for a bourse table at a G.S.N.A Convention.
Section 2.
A Council member will not be eligible to receive during his term of office a competitive exhibit award or any other award given by the G.S.N.A.; provided, however, that he may accept the 25 year membership medal and non-competitive exhibit awards during such term.
Section 3.
A Council member may file a written complaint against another G.S.N.A. member, but may not orally argue in support of his complaint at any Council meeting, in the absence of the party against whom the complaint is filed. He may supplement such written complaint by written statements and other evidential matters provided that copies thereof are furnished to the other party prior to taking any disciplinary action. A Council member may orally answer any questions of other Council members regarding such complaint. A Council member may not vote at the meetings of the Complaints Committee or at a meeting of the Council with respect to any complaint made by him or against him.
Section 4.
A Council member may not vote at a Council meeting on any matter in which he has a financial interest or which involves any company or firm with which he is associated as an owner, director, employee or otherwise. The ownership of less than one half of one percent (1/2) of the corporate stock of any company listed on a national securities exchange shall not be deemed to be an ownership or financial interest sufficient to disqualify him from voting upon a matter in which such company is involved.
Section 1.
The President, in the third quarter issue of the journal for each election year, shall issue a call for nominations of officers to be elected during said year. Nominations may be submitted in writing to the Secretary by any member entitled to vote, or, nominations may also be solicited and accumulated by any member in good standing that is desirous of holding an elected office. All nominations shall be forwarded to the Secretary, no later than December 31st of said election year. Nominations form member clubs must bear the signatures and address of at least two officers of the nominating club. A nominee must be a member who is entitled to hold office under Article I, Section 2 hereof and must have been a member in good standing and so entitled to hold office. In order to be a candidate for office, a member must receive at least two (2) nominations from member clubs in good standing and at least two (2) nominations from individual members in good standing. No member may nominate himself nor nominate a number of candidates for any office in excess of the number to be elected therefore. The Secretary shall promptly write to each nominee notifying him of such nominations and requesting his written acceptance or refusal thereof. No nominee may accept a nomination for more than one elective office if any one election.
Section 2.
The Secretary shall cause a current list of nominations and the actions of the nominees thereon to be published in the winter issue of the journal in the election year. The Secretary shall obtain and publish in the first quarter issue of the journal for such year a biography, not exceeding 250 words in length, of each nominee who has so accepted a nomination, which biography shall include a record of his services to the Association and to numismatics in general.
Section 3.
An Election committee of five (5) individuals who are members in good standing of G.S.N.A. shall be designated by the Executive Council (excluding the Executive Council and Nominees). The Committee should cause the names of all nominees who have so accepted to be printed on official ballots. The places of residence of the nominees shall not appear on the ballots.
Section 4.
Said committee shall cause a ballot to be mailed as a separate mailing. Voting shall be by mail only. Such envelope must be postmarked at least 30 days prior to the opening day of the election year convention in order for the ballot therein to be counted. Such Committee shall tabulate all official ballots prior to the convention, with all Committee members present. The Candidate or candidates receiving the largest number of votes for the respective offices shall be duly elected. Ballots for non-contested offices shall not be tabulated. Such Committee shall cause a report of the votes cast for each candidate to be delivered to the President and the Secretary prior to the first day of said convention. All ballots and envelopes shall be retained by said committee until otherwise instructed by the Executive Council. Any nominee shall be entitled to obtain from said committee written verification of the results of said tabulation. The Executive Council shall collect the ballots from said committee after the newly elected officers are installed at the convention, and disposed of by a majority vote of the new Executive Council.
Section 5.
The names of those duly elected will be announced during the election year convention. Those elected will be installed and assume their duties at the first membership meeting of the fiscal year and will hold office until their successors have been duly elected or appointed and declared installed.
Section 6.
Each officer, at the expiration of his term, shall deliver to his successor all books, papers and other property of the Association in his possession.
Section 7.
Any person elected as President cannot be a candidate for the office of President in the subsequent election.
Section 1.
No member shall cause to be published or distributed any G.S.N.A. election campaign advertising material containing one or more names and/or pictures of G.S.N.A. members without their consent.
Section 2.
No member may make or publish any false, misleading, libelous or slanderous statements.
Section 3.
No member may cause to be published or distributed any advertisement relating to a G.S.N.A. election which does not include the name and address of the sponsoring person or organization. If the sponsor is a committee or organization, the name and address of its chairman or other principal representative must be included in the advertisement.
Section 4.
In any G.S.N.A. election any candidate may request GSNA to use its mailing list to mail an advertisement for the candidate providing that such mailing will not indicate or imply GSNAís endorsement of or opposition to the candidate. Such mailing must be in a plain envelope or wrapper and not printed in green ink. The Corresponding Secretary will affix the mailing labels on the envelopes and mail the advertisement at the expense of the candidate. The mailing will be made via first class postage and all expenses incurred by GSNA will be prepaid by the candidate.
Section 5.
Any member violating any of the preceding provisions shall be subject to expulsion, suspension or other disciplinary action therefore by the Executive Council of G.S.N.A.
Section 1.
The duties of the Editor shall be to provide suitable material for the publication of the official journal and other official publications.
Section 2.
The duties of the Business Manager shall be to supervise all matters relating to publication of the official journal.
Section 3.
Division into geographical districts may be made at the direction of the Executive Council. For each of the districts the President may appoint a County Representative whose duties within his respective geographical area shall be:
To disseminate numismatic information and do everything practicable to promote the general interest in numismatics.
To keep informed regarding members and collectors, and matters of numismatic interest in his respective territory.
To encourage new collectors; endeavor to procure new members and aid in the formation of local numismatic organizations.
To investigate such disputes as may be referred to him by the President and report his findings to him.
To render to the President reports of his activities as requested.
Section 4.
The duties of the Librarian shall be:
To keep in safe custody and good order all library books, papers, etc., which the Association has or may acquire.
To compile and keep an accurate catalogue of all material coming into his charge, with the price thereof if acquired by purchase, or the name of the donor, if acquired by gift.
To afford access to such material and loan the same to members of the Association under rules and regulations adopted by the Executive Council.
To prepare an accounting of all funds received and a full and final report of all matters pertaining to his office at the end of the fiscal year and render the same to the Association through its President.
Section 5.
The duties of the Museum Director shall be to keep in safe custody and good order all of the Associationís Museum property; to receive, acknowledge and record all gifts and loans to the Museum; to supervise the purchase of Museum material and the disposition of unwanted items; to exhibit material suitably in the Museum for the benefit of visitors to headquarters; and to prepare a report of the activities of the Museum at the end of the fiscal year and render the same to the Association through its President.
Section 6.
The duties of the Committee chairman are to select members of his committee and to carry out his duties as defined by the President.
Section 7.
As soon as it shall be expedient to do so, the President shall each year appoint:
A Resolution Committee whose duty shall be to consider all matters referred to it and report thereon as soon as convenient.
An Auditing Committee whose duty shall be to audit such reports and accounts as may be referred to it and report thereon as soon as convenient. The Auditing committee will retain the services of a Certified Public Accountant or firm of Public Accountants to audit the books of the Association.
Section 1.
The Association shall meet in convention once a year, at such time and place as may be decided upon by the Executive Council. The time and place thereof shall be officially announced by the President in at least one issue of the official journal, published prior to said convention.
Section 1.
The Association welcomes gifts and bequests of Numismatic material, numismatic literature, funds, securities and other properties to be used for the purpose set forth in its State Charter, such gifts and bequests to be made directly to the Association. A donor may direct the Association to allocate the subject of his gift or bequest to one or more of the following purposes: (a) library; (b) museum; (c) numismatic education; (d) general operating fund of the Association; (e) such additional purpose or purposes as shall be authorized from time to time by a majority vote of the Executive Council of the Association in conformity to its State Charter.
Section 2.
Any donor of a gift or bequest of a value of $10 or more shall receive recognition by having his name and place of residence (but not his R.F.D. number or street address) published, or as anonymous at the donorís request.
Section 3.
The Treasurer shall keep a permanent record of all gifts and bequests and issue consecutively numbered receipts therefore to the donor or his estate at the time such gift or bequest is received.
Section 4.
The gift of any numismatic item or any book or other publication which the Association does not desire to keep for its museum or library may be sold and the proceeds thereof used for the purpose for which said gift was made.
Section 1.
No officer, committee or member shall incur any expense in the name of the Association except with the authorization or approval of the Executive Council.
Section 2.
Reproduction of the Associationís Seal shall be used for no purpose other than the official stationery and official journal, Educational Certificates and Life Membership Certificates, except with the written authorization or approval of the Executive Council.
Section 3.
The official journal shall be published quarterly and shall be known as the ìNew Jersey Numismatic Journal.î As far as it is possible to do so, it shall be the Associationís official means of communication with its members.
Section 4.
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from June 1 to May 31.
Section 1.
Upon dissolution of the Association, the Executive Council shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association exclusively for the purposes of the Association in such manner, or to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, literary, or scientific purposes, as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization, or organizations, under section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as the Executive Council shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of the county in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purpose.
Revised September 8, 1994